Leaf Lettuce

Summer was hard on our vegetable gardens this year.  Two major storms in June followed by searing heat in July.  My plants are tired and have slowed down producing. Its time to think about lettuce.  Lettuce a cool season crop and what better way to end the summer by planting a few rows.  There are…

High Temperatures Affect Tomato Production

With the week’s high temperatures, watch for tomato fruit set to be delayed.  This is because pollen dies when temperatures reach 85 degrees F. or higher.  Dead pollen means flowers don’t get pollinated and unfertilized flowers will fall to the ground, resulting in reduced production. Gardeners often want to know if hand pollination will help…

Edible Landscaping: Play with your food

Many gardeners keep their ornamentals and edibles segregated: fruits and vegetables go in neat rows or tidy boxes in the backyard and ornamentals are given domain over the front yard landscape.  But what if we blurred the lines a bit?  

The practice of edible landscaping has been around for a long time, but it has become very popular in the last decade or so.  The practice involves purposefully including edible plants in a planned landscape, appreciating plants for both their aesthetic qualities and their edible potential.