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Seedling Trees-An Economical Way to Purchase Trees

If you’re a fan of trees like I am, it can be frustrating to purchase the number and variety of trees you’re dreaming of without busting the budget.  Look no further than many of the state tree seedling programs to fill the gap.  Granted, you may have to buy bundles of 25 to 50 at a time, but this can bring the cost down to around $2.00 each, making the trees a real bargain.  Gather together your friends to place the order and then divide up the order when it arrives.  Many state forestry nurseries are taking orders now for spring planting.

State tree seedling nurseries provide low-cost plants and materials to help landowners plant windbreaks, establish wildlife (and pollinator!) habitat, and cut down on erosion.  It’s also great that I don’t have to reside in the state I’m ordering from to take advantage of the great prices.  Prices are based on whether the tree in question is a 6-inch seedling or a 3-foot whip; a bare root seedling or a containerized tree.

The good news for me is that shipping bare root seedlings costs less, small trees are easier to plant than big trees, early selection means a wider variety to choose from, and many of the state seedling tree programs also carry shrubs!

In Nebraska:

In Iowa:

In Kansas:

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